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Author's Chapter Notes:
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and the snape brothers

Hey all, so here's another chapter, I apologies for any inconsistancies that may be present when comparing this story to the 4th book. I do not own the novel and have not read it in many years so I'm doing my best with the resources I have. anyways, enjoy!

Chapter 9 – Return to Hogwarts

The next morning was a relatively quiet affair in the Snape household, for all four of us were subdued at the thought of the long school year ahead of us. It was the first time in my life that I was actually reluctant to return to school. Apparently wonders will never cease. The house was oddly silent as we all ate our breakfasts without the usual early morning chatter. Malik and Aleksander were pushing their food around on their plates not really eating it, and my father decided to forgo breakfast altogether.

After another few minutes of silent moping, I put down my muffin and exclaimed, “is our last morning together honestly going to be spent sulking like little children?”

“Well, admit it, it sucks that we’re not gonna see each other again until Christmas” replied Aleks with a huff.

“I know it sucks, but it certainly doesn’t change anything” I replied with a sigh.

“At least we can still talk telepathically” said Malik trying to ease the tension

“True enough” I said

“Well, the three of you can keep in constant correspondence, and you will see each other at Christmas, so it is only a few months.” Father said as he put his mug down. “And as for you two, I expect you to behave and attempt to get through the year with as few detentions as possible, I don’t want to hear from your headmaster this year”

“Yes Dad” they replied in unison

“Alright...we should all get going, so hurry up and get your things together” He said getting up.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you boys in a few months…” I said as we stood in the main hall with all our things.

“Yeah...have a good term, we’ll talk all the time, I promise” Malik replied with a tight hug.

“The benefits of telepathy, take care love” Aleks said, giving me a hug in turn.

At this point I was nearly in tears, for I knew that I would miss them terribly. Ironic that I would feel so strongly when in reality I had only known them for a mere two months. Perhaps I am being repetitive with that thought, but it never fails to surprise me at how much our relationship has developed in so short a time.

I then turned to my father, and after a moments’ hesitation, gave him a tight hug, knowing that I would not be able to do so once I left this house. He returned the embrace with equal vigour, and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead as he pulled away. He then recast the glamour, and I once again became Hermione Jane Granger, muggle-born witch, and a girl with absolutely no relation to any of the Snapes.


My father apparated us to Kings Cross, and we then went our separate ways. I entered platform 9 ¾ and quickly spotted the mass of red hair that were the Weasleys. As I approached, Harry was the first to notice me, and quickly enveloped me in a warm hug. This was shortly followed by the multitude of other Weasleys, and by the time greetings were exchanged, it was time to head onto the train.

The boys and I quickly found a compartment, and settled down for the long journey to Hogsmeade. The train ride was somewhat uneventful, except for the annual ‘greeting’ of Malfoy and his Slytherin troop. It was strange to see Blaise so soon, and I mostly ignored him, as we shooed Malfoy away. It seemed that we had formed a tradition of sorts in our yearly visit from Malfoy. However, aside from that the train ride was spent with the boys talking about Quidditch, my harassing Harry to write to Sirius about his dream and the events of the World Cup, and just generally enjoying each others’ company.

While the boys were engrossed in the topic of Quidditch, I was left free to gaze out the window and engage in my own conversation with my brothers. Perhaps the year would not be so difficult if I could continue conversing with them like this.


After a few hours, the train finally pulled into the Hogsmeade station, allowing us the first glimpse of Hogwarts Castle after our two month reprieve. After sending Hagrid our customary greeting, we found a carriage and were soon jolted off in the direction of the Castle and the start of our fourth year.


The opening feast was the same as always, the first years were sorted, the twins caused trouble, Harry, Ron and I glared at Malfoy, my father glared at us and Dumbledore started his yearly opening speech. However, his speech this year was slightly different, because he announced that this year Hogwarts would be receiving the great honour of hosting the prestigious Triwizard Tournament. The representatives from the other two schools would be arriving in a few days to spend the entire year with us. However, much to the disappointment of many (especially the Weasley twins) it was announced that due to the nature of the tasks, only those 17 years of age and older would be allowed to participate. This restriction swiftly took most of the students out of the running, leaving seventh years and a few sixth years as the only eligible candidates.

*Did you two know about the Tournament?* I asked telepathically

*Nope, I can’t believe dad didn’t tell us* Aleks replied

*I can’t believe this damn age restriction, we don’t even get to come to watch!* Malik said with an annoyed huff.

*Well, it’s for the best, you know, these tournaments are supposed to be extremely dangerous, but that does suck that you guys don’t get to come* I answered.

*Hmph* was the only reply I got before they settled into a disgruntled silence.


The next few days passed in a hum of excitement since our guests were due to arrive at the end of the week. The first morning was exciting, because no matter how much fun I had over the summer, I still loved school. Granted the boys (all four of them) thought I was crazy, but hey, they’re boys, what else was to be expected? As Professor McGonagall came around with our schedules, Ron groaned loudly.

“What now Ron?” I asked amused that he had found something to complain about already

“Take a look at your schedule, as if we really need to start our first day with a 2 hour potions lesson with the greasy git” he replied bitterly

“Ronald Weasley show some respect! He’s your professor, you don’t have to like him, but you damn well better respect him” I exclaimed angrily

“alright, alright, I’m sorry, geez” he muttered shaking his head.

Harry wisely stayed out of the argument, as did Ginny, but they shared a curious glance at my sudden, harsher-than-normal rebuke. However, for once I was at least partially in agreement with Ron. I had hoped to have a few days to adjust to seeing my father as ‘professor Snape’ again, apparently I was being awarded no such luxury. So with a sigh I grabbed my bag, hoping to at least show up early so I could say ‘hi’.

“Well, I’m going to go to class now, don’t want to be late for my first lesson! You two should hurry back to Gryffindor Tower and get your bags if you don’t want to be late” I chided

“Alright Mione, we’ll go up in as soon as we finish eating, see you in class!” Harry said obediently.


I quickly walked to the dungeons, and thankfully avoided any wandering Slytherins. It was the first day back, and I was in a relatively good mood, I wanted that to last at least another half hour.

I arrived at the classroom, only to be faced with a closed door. Unsure of whether to wait outside or knock, I stood hesitatingly outside. After a few minutes I made my decision, if no one was in the room, my father would hardly be angry with me, otherwise, he would send out a fake insult to shoo me away, so really I had nothing to lose. So with that, I gave a short tentative knock.

“Enter” came the low, menacing voice of my father.

I entered, quietly, and when I didn’t notice anyone else in the room, I closed the door, with a relieved sigh.

“Well, what do you want? I hardly have time to deal with idiotic students gawking at me” he growled not looking up from his desk

“Oh” I squeaked shocked, feeling hurt tears well in my eyes unbidden, “I didn’t mean to disturb you...I’m sorry, I’ll just leave” I said quickly as I rushed to the door

“Mia?!” he asked looking up in surprise, “I didn’t see it was you Hermione...I’m sorry, if I had known it was you I wouldn’t have been so harsh” he said getting up to come around his desk.

I had my back to him, trying in vain to keep my tears in check, but the sound of his harsh unforgiving voice earlier, painfully reminded me of my previous years in his class. I heard him approach me, but I firmly kept my back turned. I would not allow him to see that he had brought me to tears.

“Mia, I apologise, come here child” he said, even as I resolutely shook my head.

Then he crossed the small distance between us, and turned me around, only to see my cheeks stained with a stream of tears, as I sniffled softly.

“Don’t cry Mia, please! I’m sorry, I should have looked up before I spoke, I did not mean to hurt you” he said softly as he brushed my tears away.

“S’ok” I mumbled as I sniffled.

“Here” he said handing me his handkerchief.

“Thanks” I replied quietly, as I wiped my face and got control of my feelings.

With a sigh, he pulled me into a short hug, and placed a soft kiss on my forehead as a sign of apology.

“I guess I should get used to you speaking harshly to me again though huh?” I asked with a sad smile

“I’m afraid so...but you will know that I never mean any of it.” He replied quietly. “I’m sorry this isn’t very much time for you to adjust to our old roles, but it is necessary. Do us both a favour and keep your head down today so that I have little reason to pick on you alright?”

“Yeah, good idea” I replied, shaking myself back into a normal frame of mind. “So, what are we doing today?” I asked with a smile as I made my way to sit down in my usual seat.

“That is for you to find out with the rest of your class, patience is a virtue my dear” he said coolly

“I have patience enough, I put up with Harry and Ron don’t I?” I countered playfully

“Good lord yes, it would take the patience of a saint to deal with those two dunderheads, I stand corrected, you have enough patience in some aspects” he replied amiably

“Hey, be nice, they’re not that bad…and what do you mean some aspects

“Precisely what I said, I did not think it was a difficult statement to comprehend”

“Oh fine, have it your way” I conceded.

“Of course” he replied with a satisfied smirk, which I replied to with nothing more than a dramatic role of my eyes.

*Whatcha up to? Chatting with dad?* Aleks asked

*Yup, waiting for class to start, how bout you two?* I replied.

*We’re ten minutes into History and I swear the two of you are the only reason I’m not asleep yet* Malik said

*Malik, Aleks! Pay attention! Shoo, quiet!* I chided bossily

*Oh ease up Hermione, it’s only the first lesson* Aleks said

*Hush! Listen to your professor! Both of you, first lesson or not, it’s still important!* I replied with a huff.

“I was not under the impression that you spent your time staring blankly off into space, especially on the first day of lessons” my father said suddenly with a curious look on his face.

“Oh” I said blushing shyly “I was actually talking to Malik and Aleksander”

“Oh? How is their first day going so far?”

“Well, apparently quite boring, they’re in History right now, so I told them to be quiet and pay attention to their lesson”

“Typical, well, tell them not to bother you in class hours, especially during this class”

“Good idea, the last thing I want is to melt a cauldron because of their distraction”

“Mhmm” he replied as he looked back at the papers on his desk

*You hear that boys? No talking to me in potions, or most other classes, at least until I can master this whole telepathy thing*

*Sure thing* they replied in unison

*Good, well, the others are starting to trickle in, so I’ll talk to you two at lunch alright?*

*Have a good morning, hope dad takes it easy on you* Malik replied

*Yeah, we’ll talk to you later* Aleks added

*Alright you two, bye!*

As I finished my conversation with my siblings, the others arrived and Harry and Ron like always showed up seconds before the bell sounded.

“Sit down and shut your mouths, all of you!” my father barked as he gracefully rose from his seat.

The class followed in the usual manner, with the exception that I attempted to ‘keep my head down’ as he had advised earlier. I suppose it worked, for he only directed his attention to me once over the course of the double period. Unfortunately the other Gryffindors were not quite as lucky, but I suppose that was to be expected.

The next surprise for us was DADA with Professor Moody and his rather unorthodox manner of teaching. It was possibly the most frightening lesson I had ever attended including my father’s classes, and that’s saying something. I did however, feel terribly for Neville, as it was clear that the lesson had deeply troubled him, but alas there was nothing I could do.

The rest of the day passed in the usual manner, and similarly so did the rest of the week, as we all quickly settled back into our usual patterns. Friday however, came with a renewed excitement as the much awaited students would be arriving then. It was with great shock on Friday evening that we learned that not only would we be hosting students from two very upstanding schools, but would also be housing the international Quidditch star Victor Krum. The very Seeker that Ron was enthralled with only a few weeks ago. And so with this last, very interesting turn of events, we turned in, hoping that morning would come soon, and the famed Triwizard Tournament would begin.

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